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    Dylan looking for sponsors.

    For my kart activities I am looking for sponsors. I have several sponsorship packages which would allow each company in a sporting way to market your brand to work.
    But your company has other advantages: you come into contact with other companies and to support young talent.
    The sponsorship system consists of five packages are:
    1. Extra Large Package, sponsor: € 6500.00
    1) Kart complete layout in your company
    2) Overall and team clothing in your factory layout;
    3) Website with your logo as sponsor on the homepage;
    4) Available for promotional / events of your company;
    5) Receive Newsletter after every match;
    6) Receipt dylan racing polo, cap and jacket with your name;
    7) Invitation to a few staff members to the races to come
    2. Large Package, sub sponsors: € 2500.00
    A) Overall and team clothing in your factory layout;
    2) Website sub sponsors logo on your homepage;
    3) Available for promotional / events of your company;
    4) Receive Newsletter after every match;
    5) Receive dylan racing polo shirt with your name;
    6) Invitation to a few staff members to a contest to come
    3. Medium Package, sponsor: € 750.00
    1) Los logo kart, overalls and team apparel;
    2) Website with your logo as sponsor on website;
    3) Available for promotional / events of your company;
    4) Receive Newsletter after every match;
    5) Receive dylan racing cap with your name
    4. Small Package Sponsor: € 350.00
    1) Los logo kart, overalls and team clothing
    2) Website with your logo as sponsor on website;
    3) Receive Newsletter after every match;
    - Invitation to attend one of my free training or a race4) Receipt dylan racing cap with your name
    5. Mystery package.
    Are the above packages are too expensive or do you have a better idea? There I am of course open.
    Every contribution, big or small, I'm happy with it.
    Finally, you can still join my club of 50.
    My club is a group of 50 enthusiastic people that my kart activities through a financial donation
    support of € 50.00. Logs you 1 year 50 members of my club and get some quid:
    - As a welcome gift unique club Dylanracingcap 50.
    - Match report and pictures of me after every match
    ilt can sign up as a sponsor, club 50:
    Would you subscribe to that bottom of this page
    Thank you very much.
    Dylan Huiskens

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